Adding photos to your articles encourages people to read them, and well-selected, high-quality photos can appear in Google search results and get an advanced ranking in user photo search results. However, your images should give the distinctive alternative text that will serve the purpose and describe the image to the reader Because the Alt text makes your site faster to evaluate.
What is "Alt text"?
Also called "Alt tags" or "Alt attribute", the text appears instead of an attribute on a web page if the attribute cannot be loaded on the user's screen. It is added to the tag in the HTML of the page. This text helps to read images for the visually impaired, understand the content of the image, and allows search engines to crawl into your site and classify it better. For Google and other search engines, typing Alt text helps them index an image, so that it can be found based on the keywords contained in the Alt text of the image.
"The best way can be included in the alternative text is the keywords of the image."
What's the importance of Alt text in SEO?
Alternative text improves search engines when it comes to arranging images in Google search; Because there are millions of people searching for images on Google, and if you want to rank your images higher, you need:
A meaningful alternative text that explains the image.
Alternative text for images should include text related to the content.
Use high-quality images.
Use of meaningful photo names, with related content.
How can you type Alt text that is compatible with search engines?
The alternative text must accurately describe the image.
Be short, but avoid using alternative text for one word.
It a long keyword in it.
Should Alt text be added for all images within the article?
Yes of course, including the Lugo website or blog and images used on the upload buttons and images used as wallpapers; Because the main reason you have Alt text is that your site is more accessible by search engines, so don't forget to put Alt text on all your site images; To describe every image.
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