What is distance learning? The definition of distance learning may seem confusing at first, but it is very simple, and it may be the kind of learning that is appropriate for you. Let's learn more about distance learning, how it differs from online learning, and whether it's right for you.
What is distance learning?
Distance learning does not include any personal interaction with a coach or classmates. Students study at home on their own, learning is more individualized and varies in speed and schedule according to each individual student and availability.
Distance learning actually relies on learning tools for online learning, which is probably why there is some confusion between distance learning and online learning. It is also possible to study using online distance learning. Distance learning is thus a subset of online learning.
Because of distance education, students can be connected to universities around the world, making it accessible to students in various countries. It is also known to be affordable, another factor that helps make education easier for many students around the world at various socioeconomic levels.
Benefits of distance learning
As mentioned above, students can study from universities around the world, even if they cannot travel to their preferred program. Major universities offer distance learning to students who will not be able to attend due to distance, financial resources, or other circumstances.
Distance learning is very important for those who are unable to attend programs because of health complications, severe social anxiety, busy work schedules, parenting requirements, or other situations that force you to stay at home.
Types of distance learning
Online courses
Online courses are usually offered as additional classes in traditional degrees. As long as students have access to computers and the Internet, they can learn and receive instructions at home.
Hybrid Courses
Hybrid Courses combine traditional classroom Settings and online learning at home. This can mean that students learn individually at home and meet in person for instructions or lectures at certain time intervals during the course. The amount of home and classroom learning varies for each hybrid course.
Conference Classes
Conferences allow students and teachers to meet in the classroom in real-time, either in a group or individually with a teacher. Using a phone or video chat, such as Skype, students and teachers can participate in direct lessons despite the distance.
Correspondence courses
Correspondence courses consist of students participating in class materials via email. Students receive materials and assignments by mail, and send completed assignments.
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