The Corona crisis has put educational institutions in a state of shock and confusion, as it made them discover the extent of their failure and weakness in keeping up with education technology. When virologists were trying to produce serum to stop the coronavirus and get rid of it, educational institutions, teachers, students, and their parents were struggling with educational applications; To practice distance learning. This is where flaws are seen in many of the programs that were used in previous years and prided on by their owners.
What are the most important advantages of e-learning:
Facilitating the process of teaching and learning, and enhancing it through online tutoring by some professors at universities.
Help the student learn electronically anywhere and at any time.
Teaching large numbers of students without any restrictions in space or time.
Attention to the individual differences of students; To achieve self-learning.
The exchange of skills, cultures, and experiences between educational institutions.
To facilitate the process of updating data and information of educational content.
Rapid evaluation, familiarizing themselves with the results and presenting them to the learners.
Easy access to information and study data, and to see the experiences of others electronically To reduce time, effort, and cost.
E-Learning Styles:
Concurrent e-learning: A type of e-learning in which both the teacher and the learner meet at the same time, communicating simultaneously with text, image, and voice.
Asynchronous e-learning: A type of learning in which the teacher and learner are not required to be present at the same time, and the teacher can upload the learning lesson on the website, where the student can access it whenever he or she wants without specific time.
Inclusive education: A form of education that combines synchronous and asynchronous education, using multiple modes of communication, such as direct classroom delivery, online communication, and personal or self-learning.
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