The concept of social software:

Social Software: is to support interaction and communication between users, through digital technologies that connect individuals, support and encourage them to learn collaboratively, retaining control overtime management, learning environment, real presence during learning, identity differentiation, and relationship creation with others.

Social software applications include:

  1.  Means of communication.

  2.  Interactive tools.

 Communication tools receive, store and display communications - which are usually written - and audio and video. Interactive tools address interactions between a pair or group of users, focusing on creating and maintaining communication between users, and facilitating dialogue and conversation mechanisms.

Most popular social networking sites

  •  Facebook: is a site that specializes in sharing photos, and then the idea came up to add comments and personal information... etc. One of Facebook's most important features - and may be negative for some - is: When you add one of your friends, so you can end up with requests to add or suggestions to add your new friend's friends.

  • Twitter: This site acts as a small blog by adding tweets personal updates, through SMS, e-mail, or instant messaging software.

  • Electronic mailing lists are a news-sharing and publishing application for members, which includes a series of subscriber names and e-mail addresses, each sending their shares to a mainframe that they automatically transfer to all subscribers. The list is usually supervised by its author, who has created it and has sent invitations to participate in it to those interested in the topics at hand, as he can.

Features of Social software

  • Overcome physical barriers.

  • Encourage social interaction.

  • Integrate student and specialized knowledge with each other.

  • Access to knowledge and communication with others.

  • Learners have gone from receiving to participating.

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